MIGA - Australia's professional indemnity insurance experts for midwives

Protection tailored to midwifery practice

Supporting eligible privately practising midwives across Australia

At MIGA we understand the need to have insurance protection and easy access to support and assistance to help you in your day to day practice.

MIGA is the sole provider of professional indemnity insurance to eligible privately practising midwives under the Federal Government’s Midwives Insurance Scheme.
The Scheme supports eligible midwives in providing high quality midwifery services to Australian women as part of a collaborative team with doctors and other health professionals.
MIGA’s role as insurer is to provide professional indemnity insurance along with medico-legal and risk management services that support midwives in their private practice.

Get a quote for your insurance

It’s quick and easy to find out more about the protection MIGA can provide.

Your insurance includes:

Professional indemnity cover

Extensive $2 million cover for compensation claims against you, with the benefit of cover from the Commonwealth to an unlimited amount above $2 million.

Legal expenses cover

$2 million cover for coronial inquiries, complaints and investigations, and unpaid healthcare you provide – such as emergency assistance or volunteer work.

Cover options

We offer two convenient cover options depending on whether or not you provide Intrapartum Care in your private practice.

Additional benefits of insuring with MIGA

  • Personalised advice

    When you call MIGA, you will always talk to a person, not a computer.  Our passionate team of insurance experts are trained and qualified to give you professional and personal advice that is specific to you.  We understand that insurance can seem complex – the good news is we’re here to make it easy for you.
  • 24 hour medico-legal support

    Access to support from our expert Legal Services team, not only in the event of a claim, but every day for free medico-legal support on any matter big or small.  This includes access to an after-hours service for situations where you require emergency medico-legal support.
  • Risk management education

    We provide a free, industry leading Risk Management Program which assists you to manage risk in your practice and also reduce your insurance costs via a 10% premium discount.  There are a variety of activities available that can be completed at your convenience.  We also have an extensive library of resources to help expand your knowledge and improve practice processes, covering topics such as privacy, health records and adverse outcomes.
    As a client, you also receive our bi-monthly Bulletin, delivering informative articles on risk and claims management, case studies and medico-legal developments.
  • Personal support when you have a claim

    Our Practitioners’ Support Service provides access to medical support to help you deal with the personal and emotional issues that can arise during a claim or investigation.
  • Additional client offers through MIGA Plus

    Through MIGA Plus, you have access to a range of additional products and services aligned with your business and day-to-day practice. Learn more about our current offers.
  • Income based pricing

    Premiums for midwives are based on income as opposed to the number of patients seen.  The maximum annual cost of insurance for a full time privately practising midwife is fixed by agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia at $7,500.

    The cost of your cover will depend on your income and the ‘cover option’ appropriate to your practice:
    Gross Income Band
    Cover Option A

    (if providing Intrapartum Care)

    Cover Option B

    (if not providing Intrapartum Care)

    $90,000 or more $7,500 $3,400
    $70 - 89,999 $6,500 $3,000
    $50 - 69,999 $5,000 $2,250
    $25 - 49,999 $3,375 $1,530
    Less than $25,000 $2,400 $1,350
  • Easy payment options

    You can enjoy the convenience of annual or monthly direct debit payments at no additional cost!   Establishing a direct debit arrangement ensures peace of mind, knowing you have continuous cover in place.
  • Access to Run Off Cover

    If you temporarily or permanently cease practice you can access low cost Run Off Cover to protect you from claims that may arise in the future that are related to your past practice.

Prefer to talk to someone?

We’re here to help and would love to discuss how we can protect and support you.

Policy Documents

Policy Wording

Details the basis on which insurance cover is provided to you.

Read more

Combined FSG & PDS

Contains comprehensive information about the benefits of your insurance.

Read more


If you have any queries, we encourage you to contact our friendly team.

Contact us

Insurance policies are issued by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 255906).  MIGA has not taken into account your personal objectives or situation.  Before you make any decisions about our policies, please review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (which can be found here) and consider your own needs.
Information on this site does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you have questions, or need advice please contact us for assistance.