MIGA - Free indemnity insurance for medical interns

Free insurance protection for interns

Ongoing support & advice throughout your career

Even though you're now working in a hospital, the insurance from your employer can be limited and may not cover you in a range of difficult situations.

With an experienced insurer like MIGA behind you, you can feel comfortable knowing you'll have access to independent advice and representation in the event of a complaint, allegation or other unfamiliar scenario.

Apply now & be protected today

It only takes a few minutes, with confirmation sent straight to your inbox.

Dr Stephen Parnis, Emergency Physician & MIGA Board member.

What does your insurance cover?

To ensure you’re protected from costs that can rapidly accumulate, MIGA provides cover up to the policy limits of $20 million for claims costs and $2 million for legal expenses.

Employment issues & disputes

Defending you in disputes relating to harassment, contract issues, unfair termination of employment and more.

Coronial inquiries & criminal investigations

Assisting and supporting you throughout the entire inquiry or investigation process.

Provision of unpaid healthcare

Cover for Good Samaritan Acts or volunteering at a sporting or charitable event.

Medical Board & Tribunal matters

Protection for matters such as complaints from patients, allegations of misconduct or mandatory notification by a colleague.

Threats to personal safety

Pursuing or defending complaints relating to your safety, or the safety of your immediate family.

Supportive & understanding approach to claims management

Our expert team will always look after you, providing advice and keeping you informed throughout the process.

Additional benefits of insuring with MIGA

  • 24/7 medico-legal support

    Access to support from our expert Legal Services team, not only in the event of a claim, but every day for free medico-legal support on any matter big or small. This includes access to an after-hours service for situations where you require emergency medico-legal support.
  • Free insurance in PGY2

    With MIGA, we provide you with free cover until halfway through your third post graduate year! Your policy will be automatically rolled over each year – there is no need for you to take any action.
  • Educational resources & communications

    Bi-monthly Bulletins and specialised email communications incorporating tailored resources to assist your practise and career journey.
  • Personal support when you have a claim

    Our Practitioners’ Support Service provides access to both peer and medical support to help you deal with the personal and emotional issues that can arise during a claim or investigation.

$10,000 Grants for additional training

Are you undertaking:

  • Post graduate study
  • A placement with a volunteer organisation like Médecins Sans Frontières
  • Research in a specific area of medicine
  • Other additional training?
Why not consider applying for MIGA’s Doctors in Training Grants Program!

6 Grants of $10,000 are available each year to assist doctors to meet the expenses associated with pursuing additional training opportunities in Australia or abroad.

Learn more

MIGA Plus Careers Assistance

To help you define and achieve your career goals, MIGA members can access career coaching at special member rates.

As an MIGA member, you can receive 10% off Standout Medical Careers Individual Coaching Services. This includes their highly regarded CV Overhaul and Interview Preparation coaching. Utilise their expertise and apply a strategic approach to your career planning to maximise your opportunities for success. Through coaching identify your personal achievements and strengths, sharpen your communication skills - your confidence and success will grow from there.

Find out more

Applying online is easy!

It only takes a few minutes, with immediate confirmation sent straight to your inbox.

Policy Documents

Policy Wording

Details the basis on which insurance cover is provided to you.

Read more

Combined FSG & PDS

Contains comprehensive information about the benefits of your insurance.

Read more


If you have any queries, we encourage you to contact our friendly team.

Contact us

Insurance policies are issued by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 255906).  MIGA has not taken into account your personal objectives or situation.  Before you make any decisions about our policies, please review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (which can be found here) and consider your own needs.
Information on this site does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you have questions, or need advice please contact us for assistance.