Supporting you when a claim occurs

We're here for you, always

Each year MIGA assists doctors and midwives across Australia to deal with investigations and claims for compensation.

These situations can be incredibly stressful and individuals handle the emotional pressure differently.  Some cope better than others, some seek help and support, others don’t.  Some doctors and midwives cannot find, or are reluctant to seek out, the support they need.  The strain from a claim or investigation can lead to a loss of perspective and difficulty coping with the everyday demands of life, both in professional practice and at home.
Every doctor and midwife involved in a claim or investigation has unique support needs, be it from family and friends, understanding colleagues, legal advisors or professional medical support.  MIGA has developed the Practitioners’ Support Service to give doctors and midwives access to the support they need on a confidential basis.

Medical Support Service

Litigation can be a protracted and stressful experience for doctors and midwives involved in a claim or investigation and it’s not unusual for them to feel the need for professional clinical support.  As a MIGA client, we can help you access the services of psychiatrists and psychologists to provide medical support.  The Service is provided on the basis of a direct professional patient/doctor relationship between you and the psychiatrist or psychologist.

Peer Support Service for doctors

Although our claims staff and external solicitors work hard to ensure you are involved and supported during the litigation process, sometimes you may benefit from the additional reassurance that can be gained from sharing your experiences with a colleague.  We offer doctors access to a group of practitioners who have volunteered their time to provide support and understanding to those subject to a claim or investigation.  Peer support is provided by colleagues who understand the associated stress and can offer guidance to help you keep the matter in perspective.

Accessing the Service

The Practitioners’ Support Service is available to doctors and midwives insured with MIGA who may be suffering emotionally as a consequence of being the subject of an investigation or a claim for compensation.
The Service is provided at no cost to you, and to access this support all you need to do is contact our Legal Services team on 1800 839 280.  They will discuss with you your individual needs and agree the best support framework for you.

Insurance policies are issued by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 255906).  MIGA has not taken into account your personal objectives or situation.  Before you make any decisions about our policies, please review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (which can be found here) and consider your own needs.
Information on this site does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you have questions, or need advice please contact us for assistance.