Guide to the application process

How to prepare and submit an application for the MIGA Doctors in Training (DIT) Grants Program.

Application Process

Preparing a submission for the Program is a 3 step process:

  1. Prepare your answers to the Program’s ‘Required Questions’, covered in more detail below
  2. Prepare any additional information you wish to provide as part of your submission.  This is an opportunity to strengthen your application and we strongly encourage you to include relevant supporting documents
  3. Complete the DIT Grants Program Online Application Form, ensuring you have documents prepared under steps 1 and 2 above ready to upload.
Your application including any supporting material, must be submitted by Monday, 30 September 2024. 

Review our terms and conditions for more informaton. If you have further queries, please  contact us by email at or by phone on Free Call 1800 777 156 – we are here to help.
  • Step 1: Preparing your answers to the 'Required Questions'

    An integral part of your application is a document containing prepared answers to the Program’s ‘Required Questions’.  These questions aim to help MIGA and the Judging Panel understand more about you and your proposed training program. 
    At a minimum, your document should contain detailed answers to each of the following questions:
    1. Provide a detailed summary of your proposed training program for which you are applying for a grant (make sure you include name, nature, type and a description of the training).
    2. Discuss your journey in medicine so far, including how you made the decision to pursue this proposed training program.
    3. Please detail the new skills and knowledge you hope to acquire or access through the training opportunity.  These may include, but are not limited to, procedures, treatments, techniques, processes, research, technology, equipment, resources, systems and other areas relating to your practice.
    4. Please describe how the new skills and knowledge you obtain will benefit your future, both personally and professionally.
    5. Please outline the benefits arising from the completion of your proposed training program in relation to:
      1. Your local community
      2. Your colleagues in Australia
    6. Please outline the additional personal expenses you will incur in pursuing your proposed training program, providing specific detail where appropriate.  This may include, but is not limited to, costs associated with course fees, travel and accommodation.

    To assist the Judging Panel, please ensure your answers are clearly numbered and the document is labelled with the following file name structure before uploading to the Application Form:  “First Name_Last Name_Document Name”.
  • Step 2: Preparing Supporting Documents

    The Online Application Form provides an opportunity to upload up to five additional documents in support of your submission.  While this is not compulsory, we strongly encourage you to consider providing additional information or materials that will help MIGA understand more about you and the training you propose to undertake. 

    Supporting documents may include additional training program information, your curriculum vitae, reference letters or any other information relevant to your submission. The format and nature of these materials is not limited – it is up to you how to use this opportunity to frame your submission.
  • Step 3: Completing the Online Application Form

    The final step is to submit your application via the DIT Grants Program Online Application Form
    The Application Form requires your basic contact details, as well as information relating to your College speciality training (if applicable).  Please ensure you also have on hand details relating to the destination and timing of the proposed training program for which you are applying for a grant.
    The final section of this Form allows you to upload your ‘Required Questions’ document, as well as any additional supporting documents you wish to provide. 

    Apply Now

What happens next?

On submission of your Online Application Form, you should receive a confirmation email advising your application has been received.
Our team will then review your application to ensure your training and circumstances meet the eligibility criteria.  If there are any issues with your application, or if we require further information from you, a member of our team will then be in contact with you.
Applications for the Program close on Monday, 30 September 2024.  All applications will then be subject to a thorough review process, and recipients of the grants will be contacted by Mid-December 2024.  All applicants, regardless of the outcome of their submission, will be notified of the result by Friday, 20 December 2024.

Submit your application today!

Applications close Monday, 30 September 2024.

Insurance policies are issued by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 255906).  MIGA has not taken into account your personal objectives or situation.  Before you make any decisions about our policies, please review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (which can be found here) and consider your own needs.
Information on this site does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you have questions, or need advice please contact us for assistance.