Doctor's Health Assessment

Make your health your first priority

We understand there are many barriers to regularly seeing a GP, including embarrassment, fear of notification and concerns about confidentiality. 

Recognising this, we’ve developed guidelines and resources that help you to initiate and undertake a comprehensive health assessment. In addition to getting a thorough check-up and taking control of your health, you’ll earn 5 Points through our Risk Management Program.

Completing a health assessment

  • At your GP

    We’ve developed a package that assists your preferred GP to conduct a valuable and effective check-up. 

    It's not a quick process, but nothing this important is. The assessment may take a couple of appointments and require some investigations. However, completing the health check-up is easy:
    1. Make an appointment with a GP. Some GPs have a special interest in Doctors' Health, and locating one in your area can be a real benefit, but not essential. If you aren't sure, ask around – often family, friends or colleagues can recommend someone.
    2. Download and print the 3 documents in the Check-up Package:
    3. Once the check-up is complete, upload the Certificate of Assessment, signed by the GP, to REO, and we’ll allocate you 5 Risk Management Points.
  • At Doctors' Health SA

    We encourage you to book a long appointment with your GP and recommend visiting the Doctors' Health SA website to find a GP of your choice if you do not have one. DHSA supports and trains its credentialed network of experienced GPs who have a special interest in doctor and student health.
    You can contact the Doctors' Health SA clinic directly to make an appointment and there is no need to access the MIGA information package to earn your Points.  To make an appointment call (08) 8232 1250 or visit

Complete our Doctors’ Health education module

Managing your own health is critical in providing safe care to your patients.
Login to REO to complete the module.

Insurance policies are issued by Medical Insurance Australia Pty Ltd (AFSL 255906).  MIGA has not taken into account your personal objectives or situation.  Before you make any decisions about our policies, please review the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (which can be found here) and consider your own needs.
Information on this site does not constitute legal or professional advice. If you have questions, or need advice please contact us for assistance.